My time has come too. I met Rossella in a not happy period of my life. A period in which I had to review my past life and imagine my future one. The person I saw at that moment was definitely not what I wanted to be in the future. I don't deny that I approached Rossella's lessons with skepticism, but her availability and kindness in explaining certain concepts to me led me to follow this path. In the past I have always followed more or less drastic diets combined with the right physical activity, but never before have I had such sensational results, so quickly and above all without feeling the sacrifices of depriving myself of eating. Today, three months after I started, I want to thank Rossella for her work and let her know that I'm at -15 kg. This experience has taught me a lot, from how to eat to how to deal with those situations that maybe just make us want pizza. , beer or empty the jar of Nutella. Today I am back in my right size, in the right weight and I plan to stay there forever.
Loredana - 13 kg
I started my journey with the Right Weight Forever on January 12, 2017 with a certain perplexity and a lot of fear so that it wouldn't be another failed attempt! After the pregnancy and various problems, which put me to the test, I could no longer follow a diet: I tried but I didn't continue! For every unexpected problem I looked for a cuddle in food! By now, to strengthen my armor and be psychologically strong, I had learned to EAT MY PROBLEMS. INSTEAD, IT WAS MY PROBLEMS THAT WERE EATING ME. Then on January 12th a new road opened up that I had never traveled before! From the first hours after the visit I felt free from food! And without any desire: aware that I could eat what my stomach required! The day I had lunch at McDonald's: I enjoyed that forbidden food that I previously considered the devil's food! And so day after day I realized that it was all true: the weight was dropping! Much nicer to be free from weighing food and discover more every day that, with simple rules, I could get to know myself and banish the weight. But above all I slowly understood that my weight was just an obvious problem in me, but not the biggest one. By working, with Rossella's help, on my internal difficulties, I freed the peach tree by rediscovering my positive sides, my creativity, optimism and cheerfulness! I'm at -13 kg. The journey continues and I live naturally lean! Rossella Tocco? Serious, punctual, very honest and always available and motivating!
Licia - 12 kg
When I decided to tackle the "Right Weight Forever" path it was because I was tired of the old diets. All effective but only at the cost of sacrifices and deprivations that I no longer intended to undergo. I had already known the method for some time but I was perplexed by the total distance from the principles I had followed until then and which I knew well. Then I decided to try. And my life changed radically. In five months I lost seven kilos of the 10 I needed to lose and this finally without deprivation and frustration. It wasn't easy: I had to constantly apply myself by always doing the exercises and listening to the audio that Rossella provided me, I worked on my relationship with food, I learned to listen to my body, I saw the weight go back up and then see it go back down after having I calmly became aware of some mistakes I continued to make, but I always moved forward without ever looking back, applying the method to the letter without doing too much analysis or conspiracy. Rossella was simply fantastic on this journey. Extremely professional but never detached, cold or judging my mistakes, she always knew how to motivate me and followed me constantly, answering my questions and doubts almost in real time. A warm and reassuring presence without which I would have lost myself many times. A heartfelt thank you to you Rossella and your precious presence.
Gianni - 7 kg
I am satisfied to write these lines as exactly how long ago, in August 2017, I began this journey with coach Rossella. I must say that I was initially intrigued by the results obtained by my wife Anna. So I too decide to take the right weight path forever. My initial weight in August was 77.8 kg then slowly with the help of the coach and good willpower I reached the weight of 69.5 kg. For two months now the weight has been stable at 69.5 kg. I think that in order to achieve this result of the right weight forever there must be the right reasons that stimulate our mind. I address a special greeting to coach Rossella.
Donatella - 38 kg
Ad oggi ho perso 26 Kg, ho sempre pensato che i chili in più dipendessero dalla testa, quando per caso ho sentito parlare di questo percorso mi sono sentita attratta, ho contattato Rossella e ho iniziato a seguire le lezioni, mi sono trovata a mio agio, è il metodo giusto per me! Prima non avevo mai concretamente provato a perdere peso, Il mio obiettivo è di perdere altri chili e arrivare al peso forma completamente, sono certa di arrivarci perchè già mi visualizzo così... Rossella mi aiutava a ragionare su cosa fare di diverso, indubbiamente se avessi allenato meglio le tecniche non credo mi sarebbero venute, insomma non sono certo un'allieva modello.
Lea - 10 kg
A prima vista ciò che si evince dal confronto di queste foto è che nella prima ci sono dieci chili inutili rispetto alla seconda.
Ciò che non si può evincere dal confronto è che nella seconda foto ho perso si, dieci inutili chili, ma ho guadagnato LIBERTÀ e PIACERE.
Libertà e piacere di mangiare ciò che desidero senza gli schemi preconfezionati da altri, ma ascoltando l'unico soggetto che può dirmi se ho fame, quanta fame ho e di cosa ho fame: il mio stomaco.
Libertà e piacere di alzarmi da tavola sazia, ma mai appesantita.
Libertà e piacere di svincolare la fame dalle altre emozioni come noia, rabbia, frustrazione.
Libertà e piacere di godermi il cibo, da sola o in compagnia, nelle giuste quantità.
Siamo CIÒ che mangiamo, ma siamo anche COME mangiamo.
Mangiare velocemente, mangiare più del necessario, mangiare al posto di fare altro non è mangiare: è riempirsi.
E io ho alleggerito il mio organismo di una zavorra inutile facendo una cosa semplice: rallentare.
La TEORIA di questo metodo è un ritorno alle origini: è riscoprire la verità sul senso della fame, semplicemente spogliandola da tutti i costrutti comportamentali e le cattive abitudini maturate negli anni.
Per trasformare la teoria in PRATICA è necessario avere una guida che ti prenda per mano e ti accompagni lungo il percorso per aiutarti a costruire le tue nuove abitudini...o riscoprire quelle originali.
Per trasformare la pratica in ABITUDINE è indispensabile una coach come Rossella: un faro che ti indica la direzione, che ti ricorda che per ogni volta che ti fermi o che cadi, ogni volta puoi rialzarti e ricominciare nella stessa direzione.
Sia ben chiaro: le cadute, i dubbi, gli scoramenti possono essere sempre in agguato perché le vecchie cattive abitudini sono fortemente radicate, ma una volta che conosci il sentiero non perdi la voglia di ripercorrerlo facendo, alla fine dei conti, una sola semplice cosa: R A L L E N T A R E, per godersi con più gusto il cibo, e la vita stessa.